The bouquet toss is an ancient tradition that makes your wedding guests show their true colors. Who would have thought that your sweet college roommate would resort to hair-pulling and screaming just so she could get your leftover flowers (and end her singlehood?)
Here are the 7 types of girls that might end up with your bouquet:
Image Source: Up Graam
She just has really good reflexes.
Image Source: Photobucket
She just wants some new petals for her vase.
Image Source: Tumblr
Image Source: Wedding Bee
She's just shooting for a vow renewal, that's all.
Image Source: Raw Photo Design
She's hoping that lucky number 7 will finally bring her a boyfriend.
And she'll do anything to avoid talking to them. .
Image Source: Momentville
That bouquet was expensive. No way are you giving it up!
No matter who catches the bouquet, you'll probably still be hearing about it when you get back from your honeymoon.
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